Techical data

Techical data


- Duration: 1 hour aprox.
- Stage requirements: a plain 10-meter-diameter surface (by ground level) & 10 fences or traffic cones for enclosure. We recommend about 150 / 200 chairs for the audience.
- free access to the stage for the two tricycles, curb-free and with no obstacles.
- sound: 1000 W (provided by the company). 220 V. electrical plug near the stage
- light:  only for night performances. General lighting for the stage. (provided by organization or else please contact the company)
- others: Backstage or a place outfitted as dressing room
- The show should start with a 50/100-metre spin around with the tricycles until getting to the stage.


- duration: 1 hour aprox.
- stage:   8 x 7 meters
- sound: 1000 W.  (provided by the company if there is no sound available, please contact us). Wireless mikes, mini-disc and mixer (on stage, provided by the company)
- light:  (provided by organization or else contact the company). General white lighting for stage. 6 / 8 filtered spotlights in warm tones. 2 spotlights focused to the audience.
- others: stairs in front of stage

*mounting time: 2 hours aprox.